2024 Live Auction Gallery
You are viewing the 43rd Annual Buffalo Bill Art Show & Sale gallery.
Works will be available for purchase in the live auction on September 20, 2024.
This gallery is listed alphabetically by artist name — lot numbers will be added in early July.
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"Soulmates" by Mark Edward Adams. Bronze, 14 x 16 x 6 inches, $3,800.
"Spirit Mountain Eminence" by William Alther. Oil, 30 x 35 inches, $12,500.
"West Side Story" by Joe Arnold. Oil, 24 x 18 inches, $4,400.
"Revere Nature" by Angela Babby. Glass Mosaic, 18 x 48 inches, $9,300.
"In All Her Finery" by Brandon Bailey. Oil, 26 x 37 inches, $8,500.
"Lighting the Valley Floor" by Ty Barhaug. Oil, 9 x 35 inches, $6,000.
"The Cheering Committee" by Teal Blake, Watercolor, 30 x 20 inches, $10,500
"Spirit of the Yellowstone" by Buckeye Blake. Oil, 24 x 48 inches, $15,000.
"Two Are Better Than One" by Michael Blessing. Oil, 20 x 30 inches, $6,000.
"Working Mom" by Andrew Bolam. Acrylic, 48 x 48 inches, $11,500.
"Cold Snap" by Jim Bortz. Oil, 28 x 20 inches, $9,000.
"Caw of the Wild" by Jeremy Bradshaw. Bronze, 16 x 11 x 18 inches, $7,850.
"Cow Pie" by Ray Brown. Charcoal, 32.5 inches x 36 inches, $5,500.
"White Cliffs of the Paria River" by Russell Case. Oil, 12 x 16 inches, $3,900.
"Flight School" by Nancy Dunlop Cawdrey. Dye on Silk, 24 x 36 inches, $12,000.
"The Four Elements" by Julie Chapman. Mixed Media, 24 x 36 inches, $11,300.
"Northfork '88" by Reid Christie. Oil, 24 x 36 inches, $14,700.
"Black Bears" by Michael Coleman. Oil, 20 x 30 inches, $18,000.
"Sagebrush Sentinel" by Nicholas Coleman. Oil, 40 x 60 inches, $29,500.
"She Rode Good Horses" by Deborah Copenhaver-Fellows. Bronze, 15 inches high, $6,500.
Donald Demers: Image Coming Soon.
"Moonlit Memories" by Steve Devenyns. Oil, 18 x 24 inches, $8,500.
"The Things We've Handed Down" by David Dibble. Oil, 37 x 45 inches, $28,000.
"Spirit of Reverence" by Mikel Donahue. Mixed Media, 22 x 13.5 inches, $9,500.
"Family" by Terry Donahue. Pastel, 28.5 x 41.5 inches, $12,500.
"The Offering" by Campbell Dosch. Bronze, 32 x 17 x 19 inches, $14,500.
"Moonlight Promenade" by Phil Epp. Acrylic, 15 x 40 inches, $6,000.
"Violet Night" by Jessica Garrett Lawrence. Oil, 22 x 20 inches, $3,000.
"Rest Not, Western Herald" by Dolan Geiman. Metal Wall Sculpture, 35.5 x 47 x 1.25 inches, $8,500.
"The Last Half-Mile" by Kimball Geisler. Oil, 48 x 48 inches, $16,300.
"Salmon Run" by Shawn Gould. Acrylic, 24 x 30 inches, $5,900.
"Woodland Artists" by Doug Hall. Oil, 40 x 30 inches, $15,500.
"End of the Line" by Terry Cooke Hall. Oil and Cold Wax, 40 x 30 inches, $8,600.
"Tectonic" by Whitney Hall. Oil, 36 x 24 inches, $7,500.
"Bear Medicine Woman" by Ann Hanson, Oil, 36 x 24 inches, $15,000
"Blue Chair" by Stephanie Hartshorn, Oil, 18 x 36 inches, $5,100
"New Spring" by Quang Ho, Oil, 24 x 24 inches, $10,500
"Puppies!" by Donna Howell-Sickles. Mixed Media, 36 x 30 inches, $15,000.
"Amelia Earhart in Meeteetse" by Charlie Hunter. Oil, 30 x 20 inches, $7,000.
"Drinking in the Scent" by Julie Jeppsen, Oil, 24 x 36 inches, $10,500
"Geyser Days" by David Jonason. Oil, 40 x 30 inches, $7,900.
"Amidst the Glory, Psalm 37:5" by Thomas Kegler. Oil, 24 x 36 inches, $14,000.
"September Tempers" by T.D. Kelsey. Bronze #1 of 5, 32 x 19 x 11 inches, $12,000.
"Minuet" by Mark Kelso. Oil, 24 x 48 inches, $15,500.
"Sunday Nap" by T. Allen Lawson. Oil, 17.86 x 18 inches, $22,000.
"Cold Day on the North Fork" by Laurie Lee. Oil, 24 x 36 inches, $8,600.
"Rags and Rosebuds" by Jeff Legg, Oil, 20 x 24 inches, $18,000
"Cows and Calves Near Antelope Creek" by Linda Lillegraven. Oil, 24 x 36 inches, $8,600.
"Cielo Amarillo" by Gordon McConnell, Acrylic, 20 x 40 inches, $5,000
"On Watch" by Robert McFarland. Watercolor, 26 x 20 inches, $4,500.
"The Sailing Canoe" by Joseph McGurl. Oil, 24 x 30 inches, $24,000.
"Trout Peak Traverse" by Mark McKenna. Oil, 24 x 40 inches, $12,500.
"Winter World" by Walter Matia. Bronze, 15 x 15 x 12 inches, $7,200.
"Show Off" by William Matthews. Watercolor, 30 x 22 inches, $16,500.
"Nuance or Nothing is Just Black or White" by Sally Maxwell. Colored Scratchboard, 24 x 48 inches, $17,500.
"Autumn Leaves, Winter Arrives" by David W. Mayer. Oil, 12 x 24 inches, $2,800.
"Something in the Wind" by Kristii Melaine. Oil, 26 x 26 inches, $9,900.
"Semblance" by David Mensing. Oil, 30 x 24 inches, $4,000.
"Young Annie Oakley" by Santiago Michalek, Oil, 65 x 48 inches, $19,500
"Trail Town Wagons" by Dean Mitchell. Acrylic, 20 x 30 inches, $20,000.
"October Song" by James G. Moore. Bronze, 30 x 16 x 10 inches, $9,000.
"Double Shot" by C.W. Mundy. Oil, 30 x 40 inches, $19,500.
"Range War" by Chris Navarro. Bronze, 22 x 19 x 6 inches, $6,600.
"Red Cliffs" by Blake Neubert. Acrylic, 60 x 48 inches, $13,500.
"Wyoming on the Bighorn" by E. Denney NeVille. Oil, 12 x 16 inches, $1,700.
"High Noon" by Ralph Oberg. Oil, 30 x 26 inches, $16,000.
"Old Timers" by Julie Oriet. Pastel, 16 x 20 inches, $5,200.
"The Last Gunfighter - Powder River, Wyoming" by Joel Ostlind. Acrylic, 25 x 20 inches, $5,750.
"Secrets of the Mesa" by Dustin Payne. Bronze, 27 x 21 x 12 inches, $12,900.
"The Walk of Tombstone" by Vic Payne. Bronze (image in clay only), 29 x 54 x 20 inches, $32,000.
"Evening Finale" by Chad Poppleton. Oil, 24 x 36 inches, $13,000.
"Oh Holy Night" by John Potter. Oil, 32 x 36 inches, $10,000.
"The Eagle and the Hare" by M.C. "Mike" Poulsen. Oil, 14.5 x 13 inches. $7,500.
"Morning Spirit" by Tony Pro. Oil, 24 x 28 inches, $10,000.
"Three Crow Ladies on Their Parade" by Kevin Red Star. Mixed Media, 60 x 48 inches, $60,000.
"Congo Cowboy" by LaQuincey Reed. Bronze, 19 x 14 x 6 inches, $6,900.
"Night Moves" by Paul Rhymer. Bronze, 28 x 18 x 18 inches, $8,500.
"Liftoff" by David Frederick Riley. Oil, 48 x 48 inches, $13,900.
"Buffalo Jump" by Charles Ringer. Kinetic Steel, 35 x 19 x 16 inches, $8,500.
"Off the Mongollon Rim" by Scott Rogers. Bronze, 18.5 x 36 x 6 inches, $12,000.
"Horse Hugs" by Jeffery B. Rudolph. Ceramic, 13 x 13 x 13 inches, $5,275.
"Home is Where You Find It" by Stefan Savides. Bronze, 11 x 10 x 12 inches, $3,500.
"Wake Up Call" by Greg Scheibel. Oil, 26 x 32 inches, $7,500.
"Bull of the Woods" by Sandy Scott. Bronze, 21 x 17 x 9 inches, $4,500.
"Trail Drive" by Robert Seabeck. Oil, 18 x 36 inches, $5,800.
"Echoes Across the Canyon" by Kyle Sims. Oil, 28 x 40 inches, $17,000
"The Sentinel" by Adam Smith. Acrylic, 30 x 20 inches, $9,500.
"Montana Fishermen" by Brett James Smith. Oil, 18 x 24 inches, $10,000.
"Sunset in the Winds" by George D. Smith. Oil, 24 x 36 inches, $12,800.
"View Over the Double RL" by Matt Smith. Oil, 12 x 16 inches, $3,600.
"Sanctuary" by Tucker Smith. Oil, 20 x 24 inches, $40,000.
"Summer Night, Southern Utah" by Phil Starke. Oil, 18 x 18 inches, $3,800.
"Ready to Ride" by Karmel Timmons. Colored Pencil and Watercolor, 20 x 23 inches, $7,800.
"Wild Child" by Joshua Tobey. Bronze, 14 x 9.5 x 20 inches, $8,600.
"Stomp" by Kathryn Mapes Turner. Oil, 60 x 30 inches, $13,000.
"As Sure As The Wild Geese Take Wing on November's Cold Breath, So Too Do Old Towns Slow Down" by Michael Ome Untiedt. Oil, 30 x 40 inches, $23,000.
"Golden Reflections" by Michele Usibelli. Oil, 36 x 24 inches, $9,500.
"The Three Marmoteers" by Dustin Van Wechel. Oil, 30 x 36 inches, $11,000.
"First to Fish the Morning Hatch" by Paul Waldum. Pastel, 24 x 36 inches, $7,500.
"The Elk Hunt" by Don Weller, Oil, 30 x 24 inches, $5,000
"Spirits in the Wind" by Max Werner. Acrylic, 27 x 43 inches, $11,000.
"Spring Ritual" by Skip Whitcomb. Oil, 14 x 18 inches, $5,400.
"Shimmering Trail" by Jim Wodark. Oil, 24 x 36 inches, $9,000.
"Twilight Trout" by Dennis Ziemienski. Oil, 30 x 24 inches, $12,000.
We are Proud to Present the Following Works from By Western Hands
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